ICC 2017 - 28th International Cartographic Conference, Washington, DC

The 28th International Cartographic Conference will take place in Washington, D.C., USA, July 2-7, 2017.

For more information, please visit: http://icc2017.org/

  • T01 Visual analytics, geovisualization, and dynamic cartography.
  • T02 Spatial analysis, geocomputation, modeling, and data mining.
  • T03 Virtual reality, augmented reality, 3D mapping, and Geodesign.
  • T04 Generalization, multi-resolution data, and multi-scale representation.
  • T05 Thematic cartography and multivariate data mapping.
  • T06 Bertin’s “Sémiologie Graphique” at 50 years; semiology.
  • T07 User studies; user experience and usability; user interface design.
  • T08 Cognitive issues in map use and design.
  • T09 Children and cartography.
  • T10 Accessible cartography for people with disabilities.
  • T11 Education and training in cartography and geospatial technologies.
  • T12 Outreach, geospatial MOOCs, and sharing mapping methods beyond cartography.
  • T13 Design of maps.
  • T14 Arts and culture; spatial digital humanities.
  • T15 History of cartography and historical cartography.
  • T16 Digital issues in cartographic heritage; map and geoinformation curatorship.
  • T17 Ubiquitous cartography and theoretical cartography.
  • T18 Critical cartography; GIS and society.
  • T19 Web cartography; map services and apps; GIS cloud computing.
  • T20 Collaborative mapping, volunteered geographic information, and crowdsourcing.
  • T21 Open source mapping and open geospatial data.
  • T22 Location based services, geospatial prospecting, and privacy issues.
  • T23 Intellectual property rights in mapping and geospatial data.
  • T24 Management, workflows, and supply chains for map publishing and geospatial products.
  • T25 Atlas cartography: advances in structure, design, and technology use.
  • T26 Spatial semantics and ontologies; spatial data infrastructures; interoperability.
  • T27 Quality of geospatial data, maps/charts; data integration, metadata, and standards.
  • T28 Big data; sensor networks and remotely-sensed data for mapping; feature extraction from lidar.
  • T29 Projections, coordinate systems, transformations, and conversions.
  • T30 Topographic mapping; design and update of national mapping series.
  • T31 Toponyms: place names as cultural heritage, place-name conflicts, toponymic field work and documentation.
  • T32 Mountain cartography and terrain representations; recreation and orienteering maps.
  • T33 Cadastral mapping; mapping for city management.
  • T34 Digital Transportation Infrastructure: highly precise and continuously updated road models for autonomous vehicles.
  • T35 Marine and aeronautical cartography, navigation charts and data, baselines, and sovereign zones.
  • T36 Geospatial intelligence and military cartography.
  • T37 Early warning, risk reduction, and crisis management using maps and geospatial information systems.
  • T38 Sustainable development; adaptation and resiliency mapping.
  • T39 Planetary, extrasolar, and celestial cartography.
  • T40 Developments in intensively mapped domains: global change, soils, geology, agriculture, humanitarian programs, crime, facilities management, etc.