Mountains - MCQs Test and Answers

01. The Himalayan Mountains are an example of: 
a. Extraterrestrial impact. 
b. Continent-ocean convergence. 
c. A subduction zone. 
d. Continent-continent convergence. 
e. All the above

02. The sub-Himalayas or outermost Himalayas is also known as: 
(a) Lesser Himalayas 
(b) Great Snowy Himalayas 
(c) The Siwaliks 
(d) None of these

03. Which of the following states is considered a gateway to the Himalayas? 
A) Peru. 
B) Nepal. 
C) Russia. 
D) Kenya. 
E) Switzerland.

04. Folded limestones that occur high in the Himalayas were originally deposited as sediments in a ________. 
A) marine basin between India and Eurasia 
B) Cenozoic fault basin between Africa and Arabia 
C) deep ocean trench along the southern margin of India 
D) late Paleozoic syncline north of the Tibetan Plateau

05. The process by which the Swiss Alps and many other non-volcanic mountain ranges are formed is known as what? 
(a) Supraduction 
(b) Melding 
(c) Cascading 
(d) Orogeny

06. Torres del Paine is a popular hiking destination in what South American mountainous region? 
(a) Northern Andes 
(b) Brazilian Highlands 
(c) Roraima 
(d) Patagonia

07. The height of Mount Everest is about; 
(a) 8000 m 
(b) 8848 m 
(c) 9000 m 
(d) None of these

08. The mountains which protect Pakistan from the cold winds of Central Asia: 
(a) Himalayas 
(b) Karakoram - Hindukush 
(c) Kirthar 
(d) None of these

09. The Valley and Ridge Province of the Appalachian Mountains is characterized by ________. 
A) sedimentary strata folded in late Paleozoic time 
B) deeply eroded, late Paleozoic, fault-block mountains and valleys 
C) stratovolcanoes above a volcanic arc 
D) crustal stretching as Africa and Eurasia migrated away from North America

10 - What mining region has the most varied mineral deposits of the world, with over 1,000 minerals? A) South Africa and Angola 
B) the mountains of central Thailand 
C) the Tibetan plateau 
D) the Ural mountains 
E) the Chilean Andes

11. The term ________ refers specifically to geologic mountain building. 
A) orogneisses 
B) orogeny 
C) orthogeny 
D) orthogonal

12. Topographically high-standing, mountainous areas generally ________. 
A) are underlain by greater than average thicknesses of lower density, crustal rocks 
B) subside rapidly to compensate for erosion 
C) have thicker, higher density, mantle rocks beneath them at shallow depths 
D) experience rapid erosion that thins the crust and causes the area to subside

13. Active mountain belts are most likely to be found ________. 
A) along the margins of continents 
B) along only the eastern margins of continents 
C) scattered throughout continents 
D) in the interior regions of continents

14. The ranges of the central and southern Rocky Mountains ________. 
A) generally contain thick sections of highly folded, Paleozoic, marine strata 
B) developed in response to a continent-continent collision 
C) are uplifted blocks that typically have cores of Proterozoic igneous and metamorphic rocks 
D) the Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary rocks were elevated and compressed into tight folds; but the deeper, harder rocks of the continental crust were pulled apart by tensional stresses

15. A local dry wind occurring to the leeward side of the Rocky Mountains and often with high capacity to evaporate snow is 
A. sea breeze B. land breeze 
C. geostrophic wind 
D. anticyclone 
E. chinook wind

16. Which of the following best describes the bedrock in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California? 
a. basalt; dikes 
b. gabbro; plutoliths 
c. andesite; laccoliths 
d. granite; batholiths

17. Tirich Mir is the highest peak of one of these mountain ranges: 
(a) Hindu Kush 
(b) Karakorum 
(c) Koh i Safed 
(d) None

18. The ________ are a geologically old mountain range folded and deformed during the Paleozoic. 
A) Cascades in the northwestern United States 
B) Rockies in the western United States 
C) Appalachians in the eastern United States 
D) Alps in Europe

19. If the coastlines of North America and Eurasia are matched up, the (1) ___________ mountains in North America match up with the (2) _________ in Eurasia, suggesting that they used to be one continuous mountain range. 
A. (1) Appalachians (2) Caledonides 
B. (1) Appalachians (2) Alps 
C. (1) Rockies (2) Alps 
D. (1) Rockies (2) Caledonides 
E. (1) Cascades (2) Appalachians

20. Which one of the following statements concerning glaciers is not true? 
A) Ice sheets are larger than ice caps. 
B) Piedmont glaciers form on lowlands at the base of mountainous terrain. 
C) The volume of water tied up in the Antarctic ice sheet is about the same as the total discharge of the Amazon River in one year. 
D) Long, extended, alpine glaciers occupied valleys in most high, mountainous areas in the United States, Canada, and Europe at one or more times during the past two million years.

21. Which of the following explains why one side of a mountain usually has more precipitation than the other side? 
a. Mountains force air to rise, and air cools and releases moisture as it rises. 
b. The atmosphere gets denser as elevation increases. 
c. Temperatures are higher on one side of a mountain than on the other. 
d. The land on one side is more green and lush than the other.

22. Topographically high-standing, mountainous areas generally ________. 
A) are underlain by greater than average thicknesses of lower density, crustal rocks 
B) subside rapidly to compensate for erosion 
C) have thicker, higher density, mantle rocks beneath them at shallow depths 
D) experience rapid erosion that thins the crust and causes the area to subside

23. The ________ sides of mountains are often wet. 
A) leeward 
B) sunny 
C) windward 
D) steep 
E) southern

24. Which of the following characteristics would suggest geologically recent, fault uplift of a desert mountain range? 
A) flat, upland surfaces, steep slopes and small alluvial fans 
B) extensive pediments and bajadas and small, deep playas 
C) inselbergs, extensive pediments and flat valley floors 
D) steep playas with extensive, bedrock alluvial fans and numerous sand dunes

25. The windward side of a mountain usually a. is 
a desert. 
b. has no precipitation. 
c. is lush and green. 
d. has warm, sinking air.

26. Which of the following best characterizes the tectonic development of fault-block mountains? 
A) normal faults; crustal stretching and brittle failure of the upper crust 
B) reverse faults; crustal stretching and brittle failure of the lower crust 
C) normal faults; crustal shortening and plastic flowage of the upper crust 
D) reverse faults; crustal shortening and plastic flowage of the lower crust

27. A boundary that uses physiological features like rivers or mountains is referred to as a(n) 
A) geometric boundary. 
B) subsequent boundary. 
C) natural boundary. 
D) permeable barrier. 
E) ecumene.

28. In the Rocky Mountain region of the United States, north-facing slopes (downhill direction is toward the north) are typically more moist and heavily forested than south-facing slopes. Why? 
A) North-facing slopes receive more sunlight in the summer; snow melts faster and more soil moisture is available for the trees. 
B) South-facing slopes receive more moisture and sunlight; rock weathering is slower. 
C) North-facing slopes receive about the same amount of precipitation as south-facing slopes; less moisture evaporates from north-facing slopes. 
D) South-facing slopes receive less moisture, yet rock weathering is faster.

29. During the ________ Era, the westward-moving North American plate began to override the Pacific plate, eventually causing the tectonic activity that ultimately formed the mountains of western North America. 
A) Precambrian 
B) Paleozoic 
C) Mesozoic 
D) Cenozoic 
E) none of the above

30. Which of the following states use mountains as a boundary? 
A) Brazil and Peru. 
B) Canada and the United States. 
C) Iraq and Kuwait.
 D) China and Russia. 
E) Poland and Germany.

01. D
02. C
03. B
04. A
05. D
06. D
07. B
08. A
09. A
10. D
11. B
12. A
13. A
14. C
15. E
16. D
17. A
18. C
19. A
20. D
21. A
22. A
23. C
24. A
25. C
26. A
27. C
28. B
29. C
30. A