Questão PET - Analyze the following sentences. Then, write which sentence provides an example for the following ideas.

1 – Analyze the following sentences. Then, write which sentence provides an example for the following ideas. 
I) “You can no longer turn a blind eye to the issue of sustainability and hope that others will resolve it […].” 
II) “After all, our ecosystem can only take so much abuse before we need to foot the bill.” 
III) “30% to 50% of wildlife species could be extinct by 2050 due to human activity.” “You could start building your personal style and assemble your private capsule wardrobe […].” 
IV) “If it feels right, then give it a try and invest in the brand – it might just become a favorite one in your closet.” 
V) “Since fashion is primarily a visual language of self-expression, how you dress should emphasize who you are.” 
a) Ability ____ 
b) Advice/Probability ____ 
c) Possibility ____

We usually use modal verbs to express attitudes towards the world. Use a modal verb + the main verb in its base form. We can add an adverb in between the modal verb and the main verb (see examples I, II and IV). Form the negative by adding -n’t after the modal verbs. The modal can’t can also be spelled cannot. We can use other negative expressions (see example I). To ask questions, use the modal verb + subject + the main verb in its base form.

a) II
b) V
c) I, III  e IV

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