Questão PET - Pieces of art can cost a lot of money. The more famous a piece of art is, the more money it costs.

4 – Pieces of art can cost a lot of money. The more famous a piece of art is, the more money it costs. As other valuable things, pieces of art are stolen more and more. Read the text “How could someone steal a painting from a museum?”, by Julia Layton, about the disappearance of Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa and replace the letters with the appropriate form of the verbs in the boxes.

Assume – Call – Disappear 

When Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa A_____________ from the Louvre museum in Paris in 1911, the world was shocked. The theft went undetected for days. Museum staff saw the empty sp ace on the wall and B____________ the painting had been moved to the Louvre’s restoration center for upkeep. But by the second day, the Louvre C _____________ the police.

End – Remove – Use – Walk 
The theft of the Mona Lisa by museum worker Vincenzo Perugia was brilliant in its simplicity. It’s unclear what type of security the museum D_____________ at the time, but some facts are known for sure. After Perugia’s shift E _____________on Sunday, he hid in a room. When everyone had gone home, he left his hiding place, took the Mona Lisa off the wall, F _____________ it from its frame, stuck the priceless work under his shirt and G _____________ out into the night. […] 

A-disappeared; B-assumed; C-called; D-used; E-ended; F-removed; G-walked.

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