Questão PET - Read the last part of the infographic presented on "Semana 1" and discuss:

1 – Read the last part of the infographic presented on "Semana 1" and discuss: 
a) Based on the features of “Slow and Fast Fashion”, in what ways is fashion an expression of consumerism in your community? 
b) Can you think of an example of ethical and unethical propaganda? 
c) How can propaganda campaigns influence people’s opinions?

a) In my community, fashion plays a fundamental role when it  comes to consumerism, creating and renewing trends at an  accelerated speed in order to arouse consumer desire. 

  • Unethical: At the launch of an intimate soap for the brand,  Dove ran an advertisement showing a black woman taking  off a brown blouse and transforming herself into a white woman.
  • Ethical: An advertisement for a remedy, for example, that warns about symptoms and contraindications.
c) Advertisements appeal to our emotions to create new consumption needs in us.They give us the illusion that buying a particular product will bring many benefits to our lives.