Questão PET - Read the statements below and pay special attention to the words in bold.

1 – Read the statements below and pay special attention to the words in bold. 
I. “Flávio […] Melo was born […] on February 15, 1950.” 
II. “Tavares […] withdrew [the course of Sociology] in the third year to be a full-time artist.” 
III. “[…] in 1976, he published his album of drawings.” 
IV. “Hermano José, who, at that time, already enjoyed a high reputation as an artist […].” 
V. “At this time he studied painting in some of the most prestigious American Universities […].” 
VI. “I developed my love of photography […] at the age of 16.”

Já fiz os estudos dos textos da semana 2.