Questão PET - Read the text below and answer the questions.

2 - Read the text below and answer the questions.

a) Is country life better than city life? What is your opinion about that? 
b) What are the website users’ opinions? 
c) Are the text fragments above part of an online survey, a debate or research? How do you know? 
d) In these fragments, are people stating arguments, personal opinions or others’ ideas? How do you know? 
e) What are the arguments in favor of life in the countryside? 
f) What are the arguments in favor of life in the city?

A) In my opinion, life in the city is better for those who want to study, work and grow in life. 

B)  The first user is defending that life in the country is better, while  the second is defending that life in the big city is better.

C) A debate, we can see this through the users' opinion, the vote and mainly by the name of the site, debate. org. 

D) Personal opinions, the debate site is open for each user to express their opinion on a certain subject.

E) What are the arguments in favor of life in the countryside? Living in the country is healthier. Your kids will live in a clean air environment and everyone knows everybod.

F) City life is awesome. It's exciting, comfortable, and easy. There are many opportunities available in cities like good medical treatment, transportation, information technologies, entertainment, and you know all the things that make your life easy


  1. Obrigado esse site ajuda
    Bastante 🙂🙂

  2. Sou mãe de aluno,e vim agradecer toda ajuda que vocês me deram,obrigada!
