Questão de Inglês - Choose a piece of art or even a song or book

6 - Choose a piece of art or even a song or book you would like to recreate as a visual, concrete poem. The idea is to make it portray an aspect of youth culture, of your own life, or of our time/society. Follow these steps: 
a) Brainstorm your ideas: write a list of scenarios you would like to recreate. 
b) Learn more about visual poetry – characteristics, techniques, etc. Talk to your Art teacher for more suggestions. (write here what you have learned)
c) Experiment working with the words, with different fonts, colors, spacing, layout, etc. If you decide to have a sculptural poem, think about each material and the way you use it. (write here what you have decided to use) 
d) Make the draft of your concrete poem here.

a) I would like to recreate in the form of a visual poem a universe where knowledge is capable of changing the world, thus showing people the importance of studies and education.

b) I learned what visual poetry is, the poetry is not only for your listening pleasure, but also your viewing pleasure. It's much more interactive that classic, or conventional poetry, because there is more left to the imagination, and even more up for interpretation.

c) I decided to make a poem in the form of a key, this key is formed by the letters of the alphabet, thus representing knowledge, that is, I want to say in this poem that knowledge can open doors.
"Eu decidi fazer um poema em forma de chave, essa chave é formada pelas letras do alfabeto, representando assim o conhecimento, ou seja, quero dizer neste poema que o conhecimento pode abrir portas." - Professor Matheus.