Texas Geography Quiz - Questions and Answers

1. What is the capital of Texas?
a) Dallas
b) Austin
c) El Paso
d) Amarillo

2. Houston is the most populous city in Texas and the fourth-largest in the U.S.
a) San Antonio
b) Austin
c) Fort Worth
d) Houston

3. Texas is the _____ largest state in the United States. 
A) 2nd 
C) 25th 
D) 35th

4. Which major river can be found in Texas? 
a) Rio Grande 
b) Mississippi River 
c) Miami River 
d) all of the above

5. The state of Texas is divided into ______regions based on Texas’ climate, landforms and physical geography.
a) 4 
b) 3 
c) 2 
d) 1

6. _________ a region in Texas that has flat land used for farming and ranching, as well as areas that contain plateaus, aquifers, the Balcones Escarpment, and oil.
a) Coastal Plains
b) North Central Plains
c) Great Plains
d) Mountains and Basins

7. _________ a north-central region of Texas with rolling prairies and grasslands and abundant natural resources. Home to the Tonkawa and Wichita Native groups.
a) Coastal Plains
b) North Central Plains
c) Great Plains
d) Mountains and Basins

8. Which of the following cities is located in the Lone Star State? 
A) Chicago 
B) San Francisco 
C) Houston 
D) Boston

9. This region has the most rainfall in Texas. It is hot and has mild winters.
a) Coastal Plains
b) North Central Plains
c) Great Plains
d) Mountains and Basins

10. Which of these Texan cities is situated on top of the Ogallala Aquifer? 
 A) Lubbock 
B) Galveston 
C) Corpus Christi 
D) Brownsville

1 - B
2 - D
3 - A
4 - A
5 - A
6 - C
7 - C
8 - D
9 - A
10 - A

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