Physics - Bats and dolphins use echolocation to navigate or the find food

Bats and dolphins use echolocation to navigate or the find food or to find their way without relying on sight. The frequencies they use are 
A) supersonic 
B) infrasonic 
C) ultrasonic 
D) microsonic

C) ultrasonic 

Both bats and dolphins use ultrasound with frequencies of about 50 kHz and above.

Physics - Light and sound are both waves. You can see a ringing bell

Light and sound are both waves. You can see a ringing bell inside an evacuated glass container but you can not hear it. This is because
A) of resonance
B) light travels faster than sound
C) sound requires air to be transmitted and light does not
D) light passes through glass but sound does not

C) sound requires air to be transmitted and light does not

Physics - How will the frequency of the sound used for echolocation affect

How will the frequency of the sound used for echolocation affect the size of objects that can be detected? Will higher or lower frequencies allow for detection of smaller objects with echolocation?

The wavelength of a wave determines how it will be reflected. The shorter wavelengths of higher frequencies mean that the echolocation of bats and dolphins help them identify more detail -- or smaller objects -- than would be possible with longer wavelengths or lower frequencies.

Physics - Consider a tug-of-war on a smooth floor between boys wearing socks

Consider a tug-of-war on a smooth floor between boys wearing socks and girls wearing rubber soled shoes. Why do the girls win? 

The girls can exert a greater force with their rubber soled shoes so they will win.

Physics - If a Mack truck and Honda Civic have a head-on collision,

If a Mack truck and Honda Civic have a head-on collision, upon which vehicle is the impact force greater? Which vehicle experiences the greater acceleration?

The force will be the same on the two vehicles, according to Newton's Third Law. That means the Civic, with far less mass, will experience a much greater acceleration, according to Newton's Second Law.

Physics - Two 100-N weights are attached to a spring scale as shown.

Two 100-N weights are attached to a spring scale as shown. Does the scale read zero, 100 N, or 200 N -- or some other reading?
The scale reads the tension in the string. The tension in the string is 100 N. This is the force the string must exert up on either of the 100-N weights at either end of the string.

Nothing is moving, nothing is accelerating, so the net force on the spring is zero. Likewise, the net force on either of the 100-N weights is also zero. But that is another question. The spring scale does not measure the net force. The spring scale simply measures the tension, the magnitude of the force exerted by the string.

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Physics - When you drop a rubber ball on the floor it bounces almost to its original height.

When you drop a rubber ball on the floor it bounces almost to its original height. What causes the ball to bounce?

The floor exerts an upward force on the ball -- that stops the ball and gives it an acceleration upward.

This upward force from the floor will cause the ball to deform or change shape while it is in contact with the floor.

Physics - What is the net force on a 1-kg laboratory cart which accelerates at 3 m/s²?

What is the net force on a 1-kg laboratory cart which accelerates at 3 m/s²?
a) 3 N
b) 10 N
c) 30 N
d) 45 N

a) 3 N

F = m*a
F = (1 kg)*(3 m/s²)
F = 3 N

Physics - What acceleration is produced if a net force of 500 N is applied to a 1000-kg car?

What acceleration is produced if a net force of 500 N is applied to a 1000-kg car?
a) 10 m/s²
b) 5.0 m/s²
c) 2.0 m/s²
d) 0.5 m/s²

d) 0.5 m/s²

F = m a
500 N = (1,000 kg) (a)
a = (500 N) / (1,000 kg)
a = 0.5 m/s²

Physics - Kinematics is a description of motion. Motion was first well understood

Kinematics is a description of motion. Motion was first well understood 
a) by Aristotle and the ancient Greeks 
b) by Ptolemy in Egypt 
c) by Galileo in Italy 
d) not until the beginning of the twentieth century

c) by Galileo in Italy 

Geography - Write a short note on Amazon Basin, Gran Chaco and Pampas.

Write a short note on Amazon Basin, Gran Chaco and Pampas.


The western part Brazilian highlands is an extensive alluvial plain known as Gran Chaco. South of the Gran Chaco is the pampas which is the most productive agricultural region. The pampas are covered with fine grained stone less deposit similar to loess. To the south of pampas lies the Patagonia desert. The river Paraguay flows into a large estuary at the Atlantic Ocean call Rio de la Plata.

Geography - If you wanted to sail a boat from South America across the ocean to Africa, would you probably leave from Peru or Brazil? Explain.

If you wanted to sail a boat from South America across the ocean to Africa, would you probably leave from Peru or Brazil? Explain.

You would leave from Brazil because Africa is across the Atlantic Ocean. 

Geography - Which has a warmer climate: the Falkland islands or the Galapagos Islands? Explain.

Which has a warmer climate: the Falkland islands or the Galapagos Islands? Explain. 

The Galapagos Islands are warmer because they are closer to the equator. The Falklands are colder because they are near the Antarctic.

History - Lenin and the Bolsheviks won widespread popular support in Russia in 1917 by promising

Lenin and the Bolsheviks won widespread popular support in Russia in 1917 by promising 
(A) a fight to the finish 
(B) universal suffrage 
(C) peace, land, and bread 
(D) liberty, fraternity, and equality 
(E) socialism with a human face

(C) peace, land, and bread 

History - During Stalin’s rule of the Soviet Union, the term “kulak” was a designation assigned to

During Stalin’s rule of the Soviet Union, the term “kulak” was a designation assigned to 
(A) merchants 
(B) priests 
(C) unproductive workers 
(D) landowning peasants 
(E) former nobles

(D) landowning peasants 

History - The concordat between Napoleon and Pope Pius VII

The concordat between Napoleon and Pope Pius VII 
(A) gave the clergy the option to declare their loyalty to the state. 
(B) satisfied the pope’s wishes for post-war France. 
(C) established the dominance of the Catholic Church in France. 
(D) required Rome to pay the salaries of the bishops. 
(E) stated that Catholicism was the religion of the majority of French citizens.

(E) stated that Catholicism was the religion of the majority of French citizens.

The concordat merely stated that most French citizens were Catholic. It did not satisfy the pope, and it did not establish the dominance of Catholicism in France. Napoleon benefited the most from the signing of the concordat.

History - In the Spanish Civil War of 1936, General Francisco Franco received assistance from

In the Spanish Civil War of 1936, General Francisco Franco received assistance from 
(A) the United States. 
(B) Russia. 
(C) the pope. 
(D) Hitler and Mussolini. 
(E) Great Britain.

(D) Hitler and Mussolini. 

Hitler and Mussolini jointly offered assistance to General Franco in order to help him establish a fascist government in Spain.

History - The leader of Czechoslovakia when the Soviet Union invaded in 1968 was

The leader of Czechoslovakia when the Soviet Union invaded in 1968 was 
(A) Marshall Tito. 
(B) Lech Walesa. 
(C) Alexander Dubcek. 
(D) Gustav Husak. 
(E) Vaclav Havel.

(C) Alexander Dubcek. 

Alexander Dubcek attempted to create communism with a human face in Czechoslovakia, but his efforts were thwarted when the Soviets invaded in 1968.

Social Studies - If the tax rate for a single person with $25,000 in taxable income is 24 percent,

If the tax rate for a single person with $25,000 in taxable income is 24 percent, and the tax rate for a single person with $20,000 in taxable income is 20 percent, the tax rate over this income range is 
(A) regressive 
(B) progressive 
(C) proportional 
(D) revenue-neutral

Option (B) is correct. 

A progressive tax rate is one in which the tax rate increases as income rises. In this example, someone earning $25,000 a year is taxed at a higher rate than someone earning a lower income; thus, the tax rate is progressive.

Social Studies - The map above shows which of the following to be true about precipitation in China?

The map above shows which of the following to be true about precipitation in China? 
(A) The north receives more precipitation than the south. 
(B) The driest region is the northeast. 
(C) The southeast receives the most precipitation. 
(D) The west receives more precipitation than the east.

Option (C) is correct. 

The map shows that the greatest amount of precipitation (1,500 millimeters on average) is in southeast China, compared to other areas that receive far less precipitation (less than 500 millimeters on average).

Social Studies - According to Erik Erikson, the primary dilemma faced in adolescence is

According to Erik Erikson, the primary dilemma faced in adolescence is 
(A) industry vs. inferiority 
(B) identity vs. identity confusion 
(C) generativity vs. stagnation 
(D) integrity vs. despair

Option (B) is correct. 

Erikson stated that an adolescent needs to integrate previous experiences in order to develop a sense of “ego identity.”

History - The timeline above of the Hohenzollern rulers of Prussia is misleading primarily because it

The timeline above of the Hohenzollern rulers of Prussia is misleading primarily because it 
(A) omits essential information about each ruler 
(B) omits other events of historical importance 
(C) lists only male rulers of the Hohenzollern dynasty 
(D) spaces the reigns, not the years, equally

Option (D) is correct. 

The reigns are spaced equally, the years are not. There are only 12 years shown between Frederick I and Frederick William I. Frederick William I ruled for 27 years, and Frederick II the Great ruled for 26 years. Frederick William II ruled for only 11 years, and Frederick William III ruled for 43 years.

Social Studies - A geographer beginning a study of the cultural landscape within a specific region

A geographer beginning a study of the cultural landscape within a specific region would most likely benefit from which of the following activities? 
(A) Describing and mapping the building types on a plat map 
(B) Determining how many cars travel along the highway system 
(C) Establishing the percentage of adults with a college education 
(D) Graphing and analyzing economic data for the past century

Option (A) is correct. 

A key component of the cultural landscape is building types. These are easily plotted on maps for spatial analysis and determination of cultural influences on the landscape. 

History - Which of the following countries was not involved in the effort to secure colonies in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East at the end of the nineteenth century?

Which of the following countries was not involved in the effort to secure colonies in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East at the end of the nineteenth century?
 A. Germany 
B. Belgium 
C. Italy 
D. Austria 
E. England

D. Austria 

Austria did not take an active role in the struggle for colonies. Germany, Belgium, Italy, and England established colonies in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.

History - Which statement best expresses the motive for nineteenth-century European imperialism?

Which statement best expresses the motive for nineteenth-century European imperialism? 
A. Living space was needed for the excess population in Western Europe. 
B. European leaders believed imperialism was an effective method for reducing the number of wars. 
C. European nations would benefit from some aspects of the conquered nation’s culture. 
D. Imperialism would benefit the economies of the colonial powers. 
E. European nations wanted democratic governments throughout the world.

D. Imperialism would benefit the economies of the colonial powers. 

The statement that best expressed the motive for nineteenth-century European imperialism is that imperialism would benefit the economies of the colonial powers. During the Age of Imperialism, a global economy developed. From the industrialized European nations’ mass-produced goods, investment capital was directed to the colonies. In return, the people of Asia and Africa provided natural resources and cheap labor. Rubber, copper, and gold came from Africa, cotton and tin from southwest Asia. These raw materials spurred the growth of European industries and financial markets. The colonies also provided new markets for the finished products of the Industrial Revolution. Tools, weapons, and clothing flowed out of the factories and back to the colonies, whose raw materials had made them possible. Although imperialists argued that living space was needed for the excess population of Europe, no European country after 1870 acquired any colony to which European families wished to move in large numbers. The millions who left in the late nineteenth century persisted in heading for the Americas, where there were no European colonies. 

Imperialism was not an effective method of reducing the number of wars. In 1896, Ethiopia defeated Italy in its attempt to conquer the region. In 1898, Great Britain and France almost went to war over the Sudan in Africa. In 1905, Germany and France clashed over Morocco. European countries believed that Western civilizations were superior to the civilizations of colonial people. Colonial officials rejected the cultures of the conquered peoples and tried to impose Western customs and traditions on the colonies. European countries did not establish democratic governments in Asia and Africa, but instead ruled directly or indirectly through local rulers without the consent of the people. 

History - Bismarck organized the Berlin Conference in 1884–85 to

Bismarck organized the Berlin Conference in 1884–85 to 
A. establish rules for dividing up Africa among the European countries. 
B. limit Russian expansion on the continent. 
C. work with the Africans to seek trade agreements. 
D. prevent Belgium from taking over the Congo. 
E. stop the spread of United States influence in Africa.

A. establish rules for dividing up Africa among the European countries. 

The Berlin Conference established ground rules for dividing up Africa among the European nations. In 1884–1885, European leaders met in Berlin to avoid conflicts among themselves. They agreed that European powers could not claim any part of Africa unless they set up a government office there. Europeans were also forced to send officials who exerted their power over local rulers. Leopold II, king of Belgium, wanted the Berlin Conference to recognize Belgium’s control of the Congo Free State. Russia was not one of the European countries involved in the division of Africa. The Europeans did not invite any Africans to the Berlin Conference. Africans were not given any role in how Europe divided up the continent. The United States was never interested in extending its influence in Africa. The United States’ area of imperial control was in Latin America and the Caribbean.

History - During the 1900s, Emmeline Pankhurst was associated with

During the 1900s, Emmeline Pankhurst was associated with 
A. improvement in education. 
B. the Romantic literary movement. 
C. the advocation of cleanliness in hospitals. 
D. a radical struggle for women’s suffrage. 
E. support for overseas expansion.

D. a radical struggle for women’s suffrage. 

Emmeline Pankhurst was a radical in the efforts of women to gain the right to vote. As the leader of the Women’s Social and Political Union in the early 1900s, she used militant methods, such as breaking windows and committing arson, to help women fight for the right to vote. Some resented her aggressive methods, but Emmeline Pankhurst believed that only extreme measures would help women achieve their goal. She is not associated with any literary, health, or artistic movement in European history.

History - Which statement best describes an effect of the Opium Wars on China?

Which statement best describes an effect of the Opium Wars on China? 
A. The British expelled all Chinese from Hong Kong. 
B. The British victory led to spheres of influence in China. 
C. The British ended the importing of opium into China. 
D. The British established a parliamentary democracy in China. 
E. Chinese isolation increased.

B. The British victory led to spheres of influence in China. 

British victory in the Opium Wars led to spheres of influence in China. In 1839, when the Chinese tried to outlaw the opium trade, the British refused, and continued to import the drug. This led to the Opium Wars. The Chinese were easily defeated and signed the Treaty of Nanking (1842). The British annexed Hong Kong and secured the right to trade at four Chinese ports in addition to Canton. These trading ports became spheres of influence in which European nations secured exclusive trading privileges. After 1870, France, Germany, and Russia gained spheres of influence in China. These spheres of influence opened up China to trade rather than isolating it. The British remained in control of Hong Kong until 1997 and did not establish democracy in China.

History - The Boxer Rebellion of the early twentieth century was an attempt to

The Boxer Rebellion of the early twentieth century was an attempt to 
A. eliminate poverty among the Chinese peasants. 
B. bring Western-style democracy to China. 
C. restore trade between China and European nations. 
D. introduce communism. 
E. remove foreign influences from China.

E. remove foreign influences from China.

The Boxer Rebellion of the early twentieth century was an attempt to remove foreign influences from China. In the 1890s, anti-foreign feelings were high in China because many Chinese resented the growing influence of foreign powers such as Great Britain, France, and Germany. In 1899, the Chinese formed a secret society called the Boxers (or Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists), whose goal was to remove the foreigners who were destroying their lands with new technology such as telegraphs and machinery. The Boxers did not want any program to deal with poverty nor to promote democracy in China. They wanted to end trade with European nations. The Boxers were not Communists.

History - The nineteenth-century phrase, “the white man’s burden,” reflects the idea that

The nineteenth-century phrase, “the white man’s burden,” reflects the idea that 
A. Asians and Africans were equal to Europeans. 
B. Asians and Africans would be grateful for European help. 
C. imperialism was opposed by most Europeans. 
D. Europeans had a responsibility to improve the lives of their colonial people. 
E. democracy was the best form of government for Asia and Africa.

D. Europeans had a responsibility to improve the lives of their colonial people. 

“The White Man’s Burden” reflects the idea that Europeans had a responsibility to improve the lives of their colonial people. In the 1890s, Rudyard Kipling’s poem expressed the belief that Europeans had a sacred civilizing mission to bring the benefits of Western society to the impoverished people of the regions that they colonized. Kipling’s poem encouraged Europeans to give unselfish service in distant lands. European civilization had reached unprecedented heights and they had unique benefits to bestow on all less advanced people. The phrase, “the white man’s burden,” was based on the perceived inferiority of Asians and Africans. It never considered the gratitude of Asians and Africans for Europe’s help. It was expected that these areas would openly embrace Western civilization. This attitude permeated imperialism and there was never the belief that democracy should be the form of government in Asia and Africa. Imperialism was based on one country conquering a weaker one.

History - A major goal of the Meiji Restoration was to focus on

A major goal of the Meiji Restoration was to focus on 
A. isolating Japan from the influence of foreign ideas. 
B. existing peacefully with their Asian neighbors. 
C. increasing the emperor’s power by returning Japan to a feudal political system. 
D. modernizing Japan’s economy to compete with Western nations. 
E. encouraging European powers to open up trading rights in China.

D. modernizing Japan’s economy to compete with Western nations. 

During the Meiji Restoration beginning in 1867, Japan’s leaders focused on modernizing Japan’s economy in order to compete with Western nations. Japan reversed its policy of isolation, ended feudalism, and began to modernize by borrowing from the Western powers. The goal of the Meiji leader, or enlightened ruler, was to make Japan a strong military and industrial power. Japanese leaders sent students abroad to Western countries to learn about their form of government, economies, technology, and customs. The government also brought foreign experts to Japan to improve industry. The Japanese adopted a constitution based on the model of Prussia with the emperor as the head. The new government was not intended to bring democracy, but to unite Japan and make it equal to Western powers. The Meiji Restoration did not isolate Japan from the influence of foreign ideas. The Japanese leaders borrowed Western ideas and adapted them to fit the needs of Japanese society. The Japanese introduced Western business methods but encouraged cooperation rather than competition among companies. Japan’s modernization contributed to its rise as an imperial country. In 1895, the Japanese attacked and defeated China in the Sino-Japanese War. In 1904–1905, Japan clashed with Russia and defeated the Russians. In 1910, Japan annexed Korea.

History - As many more individuals of each species are born than can possibly survive; and as consequently, there is a frequently

“As many more individuals of each species are born than can possibly survive; and as consequently, there is a frequently recurring struggle for existence, it follows that any being, if it vary however slightly in any manner profitable to itself, under the complex and sometimes varying conditions of life, will have a better chance of surviving, and thus be naturally selected. From the strong principle of inheritance, any selected variety will tend to propagate its new and modified form.” The author of the above passage is 
A. Charles Darwin. 
B. Herbert Spencer. 
C. Karl Marx.
 D. Ivan Pavlov. 
E. Gregor Mendel

A. Charles Darwin. 

Charles Darwin is the author of this passage. In his book On the Origins of Species by Means of Natural Selection (1859) Darwin maintains that according to the idea of natural selection the populations that tend to survive are those that are the fittest or best adapted to their environment. The surviving members of a species produce offspring that share their advantage. Over generations, the species may change. In this way new species evolve. Darwin’s idea of change through natural selection came to be called the Theory of Evolution. Herbert Spencer was the first to use the term “survivial of the fittest” and is associated with Social Darwinism. Karl Marx is considered the father of Communism. Ivan Pavlov was a nineteenthcentury Russian biologist who broke new ground in the social science of psychology. Gregor Mendel was a nineteenth-century German scientist who is considered to be the founder of the study of genetics.

History - Which of the following was a result of the Sepoy Mutiny or rebellion in 1857?

Which of the following was a result of the Sepoy Mutiny or rebellion in 1857? 
A. The British East India Company raised taxes. 
B. India declared its independence. 
C. India adapted Christianity. 
D. The British East India Company took direct control of India. 
E. The British government ended the rule of the British East India Company

E. The British government ended the rule of the British East India Company

The Sepoy Mutiny or Rebellion resulted in the British government ruling India directly as a colony. The British controlled India through the British East India Company until 1857. The British, who crushed the Sepoy Native Indian Troops, changed their policy after 1857. The government ended the rule of the British East India Company in 1858 and assumed control of the colony, ruling British India as a colony and ruling the native states indirectly as protectorates through British advisors. The British East India Company did not raise taxes since it did not control India after 1858. India did not achieve independence until after World War II. Hindu, not Christianity, is the major religion of India.

Social Studies - With which of the following statements would both Thomas Hobbes and John Locke

With which of the following statements would both Thomas Hobbes and John Locke most probably have agreed? 
(A) Government authority is created as the result of a social contract. 
(B) Government must enforce religious law to prevent moral decay. 
(C) Government must enforce the majority’s will regardless of the wishes of the minority. 
(D) Government must bend to the will of the educated minority.

Option (A) is correct. 

Hobbes and Locke both agreed that government authority was established through a social contract, although their views of the nature of that authority differed.

Social Studies - The term “Cold War” refers to the

The term “Cold War” refers to the 
(A) race between the United States and the Soviet Union to claim ownership of Antarctica 
(B) contest between the United States and the European Union for economic domination in the West 
(C) struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union to gain political hegemony in world affairs 
(D) competition between the Soviet Union and China for the resources of the Pacific Rim

Option (C) is correct. 

The term “Cold War” is used to describe the tense relationship that developed between the United States and the Soviet Union in the years immediately following the Second World War. During the Cold War, both the United States and the Soviet Union sought to extend their economic, diplomatic, and, at times, military influence in many parts of the world. Beginning in the late 1980s, dramatic changes in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe led to a reduction in U.S.–Soviet tension and the end of the Cold War.

Social Studies - In which of the following fields did Islamic civilization most influence Europeans at the time of the Crusades?

In which of the following fields did Islamic civilization most influence Europeans at the time of the Crusades? 
(A) Music 
(B) Theology 
(C) Mathematics 
(D) Law

Option (C) is correct. 

At the time of the Crusades, when contact increased between Europe and the Islamic world, Islamic mathematicians were using sophisticated mathematical tools and concepts (algebra, zero, Arabic numerals) that were unfamiliar to Europeans. In the twelfth century, European scholars became more aware of and interested in the contributions of Islamic mathematicians, and they made this knowledge available to the West in Latin translations.

Social Studies - The legal basis for the escalation of United States involvement in the Vietnam War was the

The legal basis for the escalation of United States involvement in the Vietnam War was the 
(A) declaration of war by Congress 
(B) passage of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution by Congress 
(C) United Nations resolution condemning the North Vietnamese invasion of South Vietnam 
(D) mutual defense provisions of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Option (B) is correct. 

There was no declaration of war by Congress. However, Congress did pass the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which authorized the president to “take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent further aggression.”

Social Studies - President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation declared free only those slaves who

President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation declared free only those slaves who 
(A) were living in the areas still in rebellion 
(B) were serving in the Union armies 
(C) were living in the border states 
(D) had escaped to Northern states

Option (A) is correct. 

The Emancipation Proclamation freed only those slaves who were living in the states or parts of states still in rebellion. Lincoln feared that complete emancipation would cost the Union the loyalty of the border states (Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware), slave states that remained loyal to the Union. Moreover, President Abraham Lincoln did not believe he had the constitutional authority to declare free those slaves living in areas loyal to the Union.

Social Studies - The construction of a transportation network that included roads, canals, and steamboats

The construction of a transportation network that included roads, canals, and steamboats that took shape in the United States in the early decades of the nineteenth century had which of the following effects in the years before the Civil War? 
(A) It decreased the need for immigrant labor. 
(B) It stimulated the development of a market revolution. 
(C) It weakened the plantation system in the southern states. 
(D) It transformed the United States into an international military power.

Option (B) is correct. 

By 1850, the United States had put in place a transportation network based on roads, canals, and steamboats. This network enabled factories and farms to get their goods to market much more efficiently and cheaply. Economic expansion increased the demand for immigrant labor; the plantation economy was also strengthened. The nation did not, however, become an international military power during this period.

Social Studies - The map above best illustrates which of the following aspects about the unification of Germany

The map above best illustrates which of the following aspects about the unification of Germany between 1866 and 1871 ? 
(A) It was achieved through a combination of diplomatic and military means. 
(B) It was led by the government of German-speaking Austria. 
(C) The states that became part of unified Germany in 1871 had previously been allies of Austria. 
(D) Prussians could vote for Parliament in the unified German state, but Germans from other states could not.

Option (A) is correct. 

The map shows that some German states joined the North German Confederation, and others joined the German Empire, on their own accord, while other German states were annexed by Prussia as a result of military victories (in the PrussianAustrian War of 1866 and in the Franco- Prussian War of 1870–1871). The southern states that joined the Empire in 1871 (Bavaria, Baden, Württemberg, and Hesse-Darmstadt) had previously been allies of Austria (in the Prussian-Austrian war of 1866), but that is not reflected in the map.

Social Studies - Which of the following groups was converted to Christianity in the tenth century C.E.

Which of the following groups was converted to Christianity in the tenth century C.E. by missionaries from the Byzantine Empire? 
(A) Franks 
(B) Visigoths 
(C) Russians 
(D) Anglo-Saxons

Option (C) is correct. 

The Russian Grand Prince of Kiev, Vladimir I, converted to Christianity in 988 C.E. and ordered the conversion of his subjects in the Byzantine (Greek Orthodox) rite. The Franks were converted by papal emissaries from Rome. The Visigoths began converting to Christianity as they came in contact with the Roman Empire. AngloSaxons were converted in part by Celtic Irish and Scottish missionaries and in part by Augustine of Canterbury, a missionary appointed by Pope Gregory the Great.

Social Studies - Which of the following statements reflects the Confucian worldview that figured prominently in classical Chinese culture?

Which of the following statements reflects the Confucian worldview that figured prominently in classical Chinese culture? 
(A) Having faith in God will be rewarded in the afterlife. 
(B) Life’s ultimate goal is to escape the suffering inherent in the endless cycle of death and reincarnation. 
(C) A life of quiet contemplation and isolation from worldly temptations will result in selfperfection. 
(D) Observing rules of proper behavior toward others will ensure social and political harmony.

Option (B) is correct. 

By 1850, the United States had put in place a transportation network based on roads, canals, and steamboats. This network enabled factories and farms to get their goods to market much more efficiently and cheaply. Economic expansion increased the demand for immigrant labor; the plantation economy was also strengthened. The nation did not, however, become an international military power during this period.

Social Studies - During President Dwight Eisenhower’s administration in the 1950s, the federal government

During President Dwight Eisenhower’s administration in the 1950s, the federal government promoted significant changes in transportation in the United States by 
(A) establishing generous subsidies for urban mass transit 
(B) sponsoring research to develop less polluting automobiles 
(C) funding the construction of the interstate highway system 
(D) funding the establishment of a national railroad passenger system

Option (C) is correct. 

The construction of the interstate highway system was a major federal initiative of the 1950s, funded by an act of Congress in 1956. The federal government did not spend substantial amounts of money on research related to automobile pollution control, urban mass transit, or a national railroad system during this period. 

History - List and describe two reasons why the kingdom of Ghana declined.

List and describe two reasons why the kingdom of Ghana declined.

Two reasons why the kingdom of Ghana declined were that Muslim warriors, called Almoravids, attacked Ghana and seized its capital city and that Ghana was further weakened by the loss of natural resources.

History - The first explorer to reach Brazil and claim it for the throne of Portugal was:

The first explorer to reach Brazil and claim it for the throne of Portugal was: 
a) Christopher Columbus 
b) Pedro Cabral
c) Ferdinand Magellan 
d) Jacques Cartier

b) Pedro Cabral

History - The cartoon below was published in the early 1900s:

The cartoon below was published in the early 1900s:
Why does this cartoon depict Roosevelt carrying his “big stick” through the Caribbean? 
A) Roosevelt believed that an aggressive foreign policy was needed to prevent Caribbean nations from incurring major debts with European nations.
B) Roosevelt believed that a strong military presence in the Caribbean was needed to protect the United States from attack by Latin American nations.
C) Roosevelt felt that the United States had a moral responsibility to protect citizens from civil unrest in Caribbean nations.
D) Roosevelt wanted to seize control of resources available in the Caribbean to promote U.S. business interests. 

A) Roosevelt believed that an aggressive foreign policy was needed to prevent Caribbean nations from incurring major debts with European nations.

T.Roosevelt’s foreign policy was to referred to as the “Big Stick Policy” because at time he could be aggressive. T.R. added the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine stating that the U.S. would intervene in Latin America if European nations were taking advantage there. The U.S. would pay off any debts to ensure that no new colonies were created in the Caribbean.  

Math - An adult elephant eats about 300 pounds of food each day.

An adult elephant eats about 300 pounds of food each day. Write an expression to represent the number of pounds of food a herd of 12 elephants eats in 5 days.

Answer: 18000

5 × (300 × 12)

Math - Using only an addition, how do you add eight 8’s and get the number 1000?

Using only an addition, how do you add eight 8’s and get the number 1000?

Answer: 1000

888 + 88 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 1000

Math - Maria has two electronic beepers. One of them beeps every 4 seconds;

Maria has two electronic beepers. One of them beeps every 4 seconds; the other beeps every 9 seconds. If they are turned on at exactly the same time, how many times during the next hour will both beepers beep at the same time?

Correct Answer: 100 
Explanation: 100 Since 36 is the LCM of 4 and 9, the beepers will beep together every 36 seconds. One hour = 60 minutes = 3600 seconds, and so the simultaneous beeping will occur 100 times.

Nordic Cross Flags of Northern Europe

Nordic Cross Flags of Northern Europe

A geological map of England, Wales, and part of Scotland (1838)

A geological map of England, Wales, and part of Scotland, showing also the inland navigation, with the railroads & principal roads / by J. & C. Walker.

Date of Original: 1838

Map - Europeanization of the World (1907)

Map - Europeanization of the World 1907.