20 Questions and Answers About Volcanoes

01. Composite volcanic cones are also known as ________. 

02. ________, in the north Atlantic Ocean, is a volcanic island formed over a hot spot on a divergent plate boundary. 

03. The largest shield volcano yet observed in the solar system is located on ________.

04. A relatively small, summit depression on a volcano, marking a former eruptive vent, is a ________. 

05. Which kind of volcano is closely associated with convergent plate boundaries and subduction zones? 

06. A(n) ________ is a volcanic mountain built up from the seafloor that never reached the sea surface. 

07. What is another name for volcanic mudflows, like those formed during the Mount St. Helens and Nevado del Ruiz eruptions? 

08. Large, volcanic depressions formed by subsidence and collapse are known as ________. 

09. Another term for a volcanic mudflow is a ________. 

10. What term describes fragmental volcanic material? 

11. Strato or composite volcanoes are typical of _________________ _______.

12. Mt Shasta and Lassen formed in what kind of tectonic setting?

13. ________ is a dangerous, fast moving, hot, turbulent cloud of volcanic gases and fine-sized, pyroclastic particles. 

14. An increase in ___________activity in western India, along with a drop in sea level, and a meteorite impact led to extinctions of many of the ________________, ~65 m.y. ago.

15. The hot molten material erupted from a volcano is called: 
(a) Lava 
(b) Magma 
(c) Pyro-clast 
(d) None of these

16. Volcanoes can occur __________. 
a. on land only 
b. only in the ocean 
c. both on land and in the ocean

17. The volcanoes and deep valleys of east Africa are related to a ________. 
A) continental rift along which parts of the African continent are beginning to slowly separate 
B) fault allowing Arabia to slip westward past east Africa and penetrate into Turkey 
C) transform fault aligned with the Red Sea carrying the Arabian and African blocks in opposite directions 
D) continental collision zone between Africa and the Zagros Mountains along the southern margin of Eurasia

18. Kilauea and Mauna Loa are ________. 
A) explosive, rhyolitic volcanoes 
B) andesitic stratovolcanoes 
C) basaltic shield volcanoes 
D) small, basaltic cinder cones

19. A volcano that is currently erupting is called a(n) __________ volcano. 
a. active 
b. dormant 
c. extinct

20. What is the largest, known volcano in the Solar System? 
a. Mauna Loa, Hawaii, Earth 
b. Mount Olympus, Greece, Earth 
c. Mauna Kea, southern hemisphere, Mars 
d. Olympus Mons, Mars

01. stratovolcanoes.
02. Iceland.
03. crater.
04. crater.
05. composite or stratovolcano.
06. seamount.
07. lahars.
08. calderas.
09. lahar.
10. pyroclastic.
11. volcanic arcs
12. volcanic arc setting associated with a convergent margin.
13. nueé ardente.
14. volcanic, dinosaurs.
15. A
16. C
17. A
18. C
19. A
20. D