Volcanoes - MCQs Test and Answers

01 - Which one of the following most accurately describes the volcanoes of the Hawaiian Islands? 
A) stratovolcanoes associated with subduction and a convergent plate boundary 
B) shield volcanoes fed by a long-lived hot spot below the Pacific lithospheric plate 
C) shield volcanoes associated with a mid-Pacific ridge and spreading center 
D) stratovolcanoes associated with a mid-Pacific transform fault

02 - Mount St. Helens and the other Cascade volcanoes are ________. 
A) young, active stratovolcanoes built on a continental margin above a sinking slab of oceanic lithosphere 
B) a row of young, active, shield volcanoes built as western North America moved over a hot spot deep in the mantle 
C) old, deeply eroded stratovolcanoes built before the Pacific Ocean existed 
D) old, deeply eroded, basaltic shield volcanoes built when western North America was over the presentday site of the Hawaiian hot spot

03 - Which of the following statements best describes the big Hawaiian volcanoes? 
A) lie directly above a transform plate boundary that cuts deeply into the mantle 
B) lie directly above an active subduction zone where the Pacific plate is sinking into the mantle 
C) lie along the crest of the East Pacific Rise, a mid-ocean ridge or spreading center 
D) are situated in the interior of a large, Pacific plate above a hot spot deep in the mantle

04 - Which of the following best describes Shiprock, a famous volcanic feature in New Mexico? 
A) a very recently active, basaltic cinder cone 
B) an extinct, highly symmetrical, composite volcanic cone 
C) the eroded remains of a volcanic pipe and radiating dikes 
D) an extinct, massive, rhyolitic shield volcano

05 - Which of the following is associated with deep mantle hot spots? 
A) Vesuvius and the other volcanoes of Italy 
B) the volcanoes of Hawaii and the Quaternary activity in Yellowstone National Park 
C) the very young cinder cones scattered across the southwestern United States 
D) Mt. St. Helens and other volcanoes of the Cascade Mountains

06 - Which region has the greatest concentration of currently active volcanoes? 
A) the coastal plain of western Africa 
B) European Russia and Siberia 
C) the area surrounding the Red Sea 
D) the circum-Pacific area

07 - Volcanic bombs originate ________. 
A) as laser-guided, granite blocks launched from a supersonic jet 
B) as blocks of volcanic rock ejected from an erupting volcanic crater 
C) as erupted magma blobs that partly congeal before falling to the ground 
D) as ash particles that join together in the eruptive plume and fall as cobble-sized objects

08 - ________ tend to increase the explosive potential of a magma body beneath a volcano. 
A) High viscosity and dissolved gas 
B) High viscosity; low dissolved gas content 
C) Low silica content, low viscosity 
D) Low viscosity; low dissolved gas content

09 - What volcanic events formed Crater Lake, OR? When did they take place? 
A) A powerful explosion blew away the top of a stratovolcano; 10 million years ago. 
B) The crater of a large, extinct cinder cone filled with water; 5 million years ago. 
C) Landslides and volcanic mudflows dammed the Mazama River; 500 years ago. 
D) Caldera collapse followed major ash and pyroclastic-flow eruptions; 6000 years ago.

10 - Kilauea is an example of a __________. 
a. shield volcano 
b. cinder cone 
c. lava dome 
d. volcanic neck

11 - ________ is a major dissolved volatile constituent in both magmas and volcanic gases? 
A) Water 
B) Carbon monoxide 
C) Hydrogen chloride 
D) Methane

12 - ____________ tend to increase the explosive potential of a magma body beneath a volcano. 
a. High viscosity and dissolved gas 
b. High viscosity; low dissolved gas content 
c. Low silica content, low viscosity 
d. Low viscosity; low dissolved gas content

13 - A ________ volcano is a very large, gently sloping mound composed mainly of basaltic lava flows. 
A) composite 
B) stratospheric 
C) cinder cone 
D) shield

14 - The Icelandic volcanoes are related to plate tectonics because ________. 
A) they lie on a spreading center where two plates are converging 
B) they lie on a subduction zone where two plates are converging 
C) they lie on a spreading center where two plates are moving apart 
D) they lie along a subduction zone where two plates are diverging

15 - In 1980, ________ was the first Cascade Range volcano to erupt since Mt. Lassen, California, in 1915-16. 
A) Mt. Rainier 
B) Mt. Shasta 
C) Kilauea 
D) Mt. St. Helens

16 - Which natural phenomenon occurs for many years after major explosive volcanic eruptions such as Tambora and Pinatubo? 
A) heavy falls of volcanic ash within 100 km of the volcano 
B) unusually warm weather in the tropics and subtropics 
C) a worldwide rise in sea level of one to three centimeters 
D) brilliantly colored sunrises and sunsets

17 - Which kind of eruptive activity is most likely to be highly explosive? 
A) Lava flows from a large shield volcano on an oceanic island. 
B) Fissure eruptions feeding lava to flood basalt accumulations. 
C) Eruptions of big, continental margin, composite cones or stratovolcanoes. 
D) Lava flows from a large cinder cone complex.

18 - Shield volcanoes are most likely to form in which plate tectonic setting? 
(a) intraplate hot spot on continental crust 
(b) continental rifts 
(c) subduction zones 
(d) intraplate hot spot on oceanic crust 
(e) continent-continent collisions.

19 - Which one of the following is most likely to be associated both with impact craters and with volcanic calderas that originate by collapse? 
A) outwardly radiating, fragmental, bright, surface streaks 
B) sharp rims that rise well above the surrounding area far away from the edge of the depression 
C) landslides and other mass wasting movements along the walls of the depression 
D) sharp, central peaks that rise above the floor of the depression

20 - Which type of volcanic eruption is less likely to be a hazard to humans living in the area? 
(a) Pyroclastic flows from a stratovolcanoe 
(b) Basaltic eruption from a mid-plate hotspot 
(c) rhyolitic eruption composite volcanoe located on a subduction zone 
(d) Island arc volcanoes with a high percentage of dissolved gasses 
(e) Continental hot-spot eruptions

21 - A ____________ stream pattern is developed only on growing mountains like volcanoes or where the land surface is tectonically doming upward. 
a. radial 
b. dendritic 
c. boreal 
d. trellis

22 - Silicic magma typically produces 
A. spatter cones. 
B. composite volcanoes. 
C. cinder cones. 
D. shield volcanoes. 
E. fissure eruptions.

23 - Andesite volcanoes occur most frequently
A. along continental margins.
B. on stable platforms.
C. in linear chains of volcanic islands like Hawaii.
D. along continental rift zones.
E. along mid-oceanic ridges.

24 - The Hawaiian Islands
A. are a series of shield volcanoes
B. formed from a series of violent volcanic eruptions
C. lies atop the meeting place of two major tectonic plates
D. all of the above

25 - Which of the following is a possible consequence of the break-up of the Gondwanaland to form Africa?
A. its relatively high elevation with high interior plateaus and plains
B. the development of the Great Escarpment which separates the narrow coastal plain from the interior plateau, especially in southern Africa
C. the dominance of volcanoes and hotspots on the continent
D. its basin and dome topography
E. All of the above

26 - What caused the mudflows (1985) on the Nevado del Ruiz volcano?
A) Hot ash fell onto snow near the summit.
B) A crater lake was broken during an eruption.
C) Warm weather caused rapid melting of snow and ice near the summit.
D) all of the above

27 - A stratovolcanoe or composite volcano is composed of
(a) a large bowl-like depression.
(b) thick sticky lava flows.
(c) ash-flow tuffs.
(d) alternating thin layers of flow and pyroclastic deposits.

28 - Paricutin is an example of a __________.
a. shield volcano
b. cinder cone
c. lava dome
d. composite volcano

29 - Mount Pelée on Martinique is an example of a __________.
a. shield volcano
b. cinder cone
c. lava dome
d. composite volcano

30 - What is the largest, known volcano in the Solar System?
A) Mauna Loa, Hawaii, Earth
B) Mount Olympus, Greece, Earth
C) Mauna Kea, southern hemisphere, Mars
D) Olympus Mons, Mars

31 - Volcanic glass is produced by
A. slow cooling.
B. rapid cooling.
C. any two different rates of cooling.
D. rapid cooling followed by slow cooling.
E. slow cooling followed by rapid cooling.

32 - Which kind of volcanism is typical of mid-oceanic ridge systems?
A) explosive; composite cones
B) submarine; basaltic lava flows
C) fissure eruptions; flood basalts fields
D) explosive; rhyolitic, pyroclastic flows

33 - An example of intraplate volcanism is:
(a) Aleutian Islands
(b) Hawaii
(c) Mt. St. Helens
(d) None of these

34 - Volcanism along a continental arc is dominated by the eruption of ________.
A) basaltic lava flows
B) andesitic lavas and pyroclastic materials
C) rhyolitic pyroclastic materials and lavas
D) all of the above

35 - Volcanic arcs are primarily composed of
a. granite and phyllite.
b. gabbro and gneiss. c. basalt and pyroxenite.
d. andesite and diorite.
e. All of the above

36 - Which of the following best describes Shiprock, a famous volcanic feature in New Mexico?
a. a very recently active, basaltic cinder cone
b. an extinct, highly symmetrical, composite volcanic cone
c. the eroded remains of a volcanic pipe and radiating dikes
d. an extinct, massive, rhyolitic shield volcano

37 - A volcano that has been sleeping for a while but may still erupt is called a(n) __________ volcano. a. active 
b. dormant 
c. extinct

38 - Volcanic chains are formed as a lithosphere plate moves over a: 
(a) Volcanic front 
(b) Mantle plume 
(c) Arc trench gap
(d) None of these

01-  B
02 - A
03 - D
04 - C
05 - B
06 - D
07 - C
08 - A
09 - D
10 - A
11 - A
12 - A
13 - D
14 - C
15 - D
16 - D
17 - C
18 - D
19 - C
20 - B
21 - A
22 - B
23 - A
24 - A
25 - E
26 - A
27 - D
28 - B
29 - D
30 - D
31 - B
32 - B
33 - B
34 - B
35 - D
36 - C
37 - B
38 - B