Questão de Inglês - Before reading the article, do the activities below.

2 - Before reading the article, do the activities below. 
a) According to the European Academies of Fine Art, there are five categories of paintings. Can you think of different paintings to suit each category?

b) Explore now the paintings below. How would you classify them according to the previous categories? Some may fit more than one category.

c) Consider the title of the article and imagine: what kind of change do the paintings represent?

a) 1 - Os fuzilamentos de 3 maio - Goya 2 - A Mona Lisa - Autorretrato com um chapéu de palha, Van Gogh 3 - Menina dormindo em uma mesa, Vermeer 4 - A Noite Estrelada, Van Gogh - A Carroça de Feno, John Constable 5 - Cesto de Frutas, Caravaggio - Violino e Candelabro, Georges Braque 


Some of these artists used art to comment on their own world, to implement change, and to change the wider world for the better.

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