Questão de Inglês - You are going to read an excerpt from an article about art.

1 - You are going to read an excerpt from an article about art. First, read its title and subtitle, and hypothesize:
a) Can art change the world? How? 
b) Which artists and/or paintings do you expect to be mentioned in the article? Why?

a) Yes, art is a powerful tool, where the artist can express their feelings and desires and influence other people to do the same, thus seeking a better world. 
b) Leonardo Di Vinci, The Mona Lisa -Andy Warhol, Campbell's Soup Cans - Banksy, 'Les Mis' Refugee Crisis - he Berlin Wall - Pablo Picasso, Guernica- Henri Matisse, The Snail - Van Gogh, Starry Night - Claude monet, vvateriiiies - J.M.VV i urner, i ne righting emeraire - sawaaor Dali, Persistence of Memory.