Questão de Inglês - Read the “Africa’s History Timeline: Part I” and answer the following questions.

5 - Read the “Africa’s History Timeline: Part I” and answer the following questions. 

a) Be an active reader! Insert an emoji, an icon or symbols of “like”, “dislike” and “share” on the circle of each card to show your reaction to the information or to call attention to the subject.
b) What happened in South Africa in 500 (ca.)? Narrate using the Simple Past. 
c) When and where did the gold trade start? d) What is the connection between slavery and the Roman Empire? 
e) What do you learn about slavery in Europe? 
f) Where did slaves come from in Europe? 
g) What is the connection between the Arabs, Europe, Asia and slavery?


b) Narrate using the Simple Past. Bantu-speakers arrived in what is now South Africa with iron and domesticated cattle.
c) The gold trade started in West Africa, around the year 500 (ca.)
d) Slavery was the major feature of the Roman Empire for several hundred years.
e) I Iearned that an extensive slave trade developed in Medieval Europe.
f) The vast majority of the slaves originated in what is now Russia and Eastern Europe but slaves carne from every society on the continent.
g) The Arabs started a slave trade that sent Africans from the south of the Sahara to Europe and Asia. An estimated 14 million Africans were sold between 700 and 1910.

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