Questão de Inglês - Read or Listen / Watch to Pui Wan’s narrative and choose (✔) the best answer to the questions below.

1 - Read or Listen / Watch to Pui Wan’s narrative and choose (✔) the best answer to the questions below. 

a) Why does she make miniatures? 
I. To sell them as souvenirs. 
II. To preserve the memory. 

b) Why does she make miniatures of old buildings? 
I. Because they are being demolished. 
II. Because they are being remodeled. 

c) How does she define “miniature art?” 
I. An object only for decoration. 
II. The recreation of something in 3-D. 

d) Where does she expect her miniatures to be in the future? 
I. In a museum. 
II. In her private collection.

a) II. To preserve the memory. 
b) I. Because they are being demolished. 
c) II. The recreation of something in 3-D. 
d) I. In a museum. 

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