8. Na letra, o cantor Renald Francour lista vários lugares que gostaria de conhecer. E você, já pensou em
dar uma volta ao mundo? If you could travel anywhere around the world, what places would you like to
visit? Pesquise em livros, internet e programas de TV e escreva uma atração e lugar de cada continente
e o que despertou sua curiosidade para conhecê-lo. Respostas em Inglês.
Ex.: I want to visit the South Luangwa National Park, in Zambia, Africa. Many wild animals live there.
AFRICA: ______________________________________________________________________
SOUTH AMERICA: _______________________________________________________________
NORTH AMERICA: _______________________________________________________________
ASIA: __________________________________________________________________________
EUROPE: _______________________________________________________________________
ANTARCTICA: _______________________________________________________________________
AFRICA: I want to visit Cairo in Egypt to see the pyramids of Giza
SOUTH AMERICA: I want to visit San Martin de Los Andes in Argentina to see the Andes mountain and the snow.
NORTH AMERICA: I want to visit New York in USA to see the Friends NYC Pop-Up - where there are the scenes of Friends_
ASIA: I want to visit Dubai to see the biggest skyscrapers in the world.
EUROPE: I want to visit Venice to ride the gondolas around the city.
ANTARCTICA: I want to visit King George Island in Antarctica to see penguins in their natural habitat.
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